We need to take care of the planet and the environment more and more. Green energy is the one obtained from natural resources and renewable sources, the one that will not ran out as long as our planet exists. Examples are hydraulic, wind or solar, which thanks to the force of water, wind or the sun become potentially inexhaustible. The promotion of the use of green energy is one of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. 


The green energy we use comes from the hydropower produced at FEDA hydroelectric plant. 

This energy is obtained from the seasonal water reserves of the Cabana Sorda, Juclà, Vall del riu and l'Illa lakes. The water is diverted to Ransol and Ràmio through underground channels that reach Engolasters lake. 

Now this green energy comes to us as Green Light certificates.


Green light

We are committed to green energy, goal of ODS 7, helping to promote renewable energies to contribute to access to a clean, affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy to improve the living conditions of all.

100% renewable energy

100% renewable energy. Our company only consumes renewable electricity: 100% green light, thus contributing to the development of the country's renewable energies and to the respect and preservation of our environment.


Sustainability and energy transition are of concern to us and the switch to green energy is necessary to contribute fighting against climate change.


We already have Green Light, a light of change and commitment to the planet

Our commitment is to build a green future together, reducing our carbon footprint thanks to the Green Light. All our stores in the Principality of Andorra and our offices use green light.

100% renewable certified energy

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